Reads in 2017

I went back to find articles I read this year that stood out for me. I am sure there are a lot of other great reads that I missed, but these were a subset of ones I shared in Pocket or on Twitter, so they were easier to track.


Diana in the WaPo speaking about her strokes and becoming the CEO of her health, Jim Simons, the Collison brothers, Steve Kerr and his dad, Ray Dalio and algorithmic management, The dying art of disagreement, Donald Judd and Yayoi Kusama


Mark Weiser’s The Computer for the 21st Century, The story behind AOL’s running man icon, Steve Jobs’ legacy & the iPhone X (another great one by Om on how Apple’s lessons from the past on hardware shapes its future), Ownership and entitlement (discovered Facebook’s Boz blog this year), The Disappearing Computer (Mossberg’s last column), “A personal wireless communicator in every pocket” (old but great), How Aristotle created the computer, Plant trees you’ll never see


Notes on $450,312,500 (later reading about who bought the da Vinci, came across one about a big Modigliani sale a couple of years back; some hilarious quotes), The history of photography is a history of shattered glass (Teju Cole), The last great moment of the last great rock band


A tale of two cafes (Café de Flore and Les Deux Magots), A lonely death (Japan), dying Italian towns, Stewart Brand on why cities live forever, Google Maps’ moat (so well written and designed!), NYC’s subway failures, Blue Ribbon turns 25, stories from NYMag’s 50th anniversary (loved the photos of the late 70s/early 80s by a cab driver, David Dinkins, Odeon reunion, Diller and DvF, Robert Caro)

Great long(er) reads

Steele, Trump, and Putin, The Medicaid debate affects you, What on Earth is wrong with Connecticut?, X marks the spot where inequality took root, Is surfing more sport or religion?, A very old man for a wolf, Spectacular relief from the world at the Australian Open, Citizen Khan, Bret Easton Ellis on reputation culture, Are we all born with a talent for synaesthesia?